Sunday, November 16, 2014

Talented in Sufficiency

I think everyone who has a basic knowledge of the bible knows the story of the 10 Virgins - found in Matthew 25.

There is a TON of of symbolism in this story.

For starters, did you really ever think about why they were all virgins?
Virgins are clean and without major sin.
You NEED to be a virgin of sin to get to Jesus.
... but you need to be more than that.
Even though all of them were virgins, only half of them actually got into the wedding.

Being clean of sin is necessary, but not sufficient.

We need to be double prepared.

Anyway, more symbolisms!
We are betrothed to Jesus.
Guess who betrothed us? Heavenly Father.
The price for the bride (us) was paid for by the Atonement.

The comparisons are endless!

Moving on -
Also in Matthew 25 is the parable of the talents.

I want you to think of every major decision you have ever had to make.
Every major decision is based out of faith or fear.
Which ones were yours made out of?

5, 2,  and 1 were the amount of talents given to three different people.
I mean, that has always kind of bugged me. How was that fair?

Well, as it was explained to me, they all had different capacities and they received what got according to their ability.
This makes me feel better anyway.

Anyway, the guy with 5 talents acted in faith of the master's request and doubled his earnings as a reward. The guy with 2 talents did they same and doubled his reward to 4. - BOTH acting on faith.
The guy with 1 talent acted in fear and had his taken away.
Poor guy.
So have faith in what you're doing. I'd hate for your talents to be taken away.

Don't forget to be awesome!

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