Monday, November 3, 2014

Being a Donkey

If you read my most recent post, you should now understand the relationship between Martha and Mary. If you haven't read it, go read it :)

Picking up a new Martha and Mary story in John 12, Jesus returns to Bathany where Martha and Mary lived.
Again, Martha was busily making supper while Mary was sitting dumping costly ointment onto Jesus's feet. This ointment costs 300 pence...which translates to 300 days work That's pretty much a year!
Judas then complains in verse 5, "why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?" (haha, as if that's his worry)
So here it goes again, finger pointing at Mary.
And Mary, probably feels bad, AGAIN.

Jesus rebuttals this accusation in verse 7 saying, "let her alone."

Jesus does not like it when we accuse or judge others, so stop it.

The story of Jesus riding on the donkey on Palm Sunday has never been one of very much interest to me, much less a miracle.
But think about it, how easy is it to ride a donkey?
Probably not.
How easy is it to ride a random donkey?
Probably even harder.

The fact that the apostles were able to find a random donkey, drape clothes over it, and that the donkey allowed Jesus to ride it's back surrounded by multitudes of people is pretty amazing.

Did you realize this is your story?

You're the donkey :)

The donkey was probably scared out of it's mind. It had never done this before. Being thrown into something like this would be extremely overwhelming.

Don't you feel that way sometimes?
Thrown into a new calling? Into a new job? A new parent?

No worries!

Everything turned out okay for the donkey, everything will turn out okay for you too. As long Jesus is on your back and directing you where to go, trust him, you will be okay.

Don't forget to be awesome!

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