Monday, November 24, 2014

Love Inspired Correction

Today I'll be talking about John 14 and John 15.

First, I'd like to denote Jesus's character just moments before he goes to Gethsemane.
In verse 1, he tells his apostles "let your heart not be troubled"
If anybody should be worried, it's Jesus. He's about to suffer for all mankind! Yet, he tries to ease others before himself. I think this is a great example for all of us. We all have troubles and things to overcome. We're all busy. But! If we focus on others...even if their problems aren't as significant as ours, it actually does help. This is where service comes in :)
Service takes your mind off of yourself and puts love and focus on someone else. Service - also known as charity- is the pure love of Christ. So, if you are serving, you are focused on Christ.
Yay! Good job!
If you are focused on anything else but Christ i.e. yourself, television, games, websites, you are going the wrong direction. Whatever you are truly focused on, you will turn to in your spare time. So ask yourself, what are you doing in your spare time? That will give you the answer.

In John 15 Christ talks about cutting the branches off of a tree.

One of my absolute favorite message over this was given by Elder Christofferson. It is titled The Will of God.

I don't think you can get a better explanation that.
Sometimes we are given trials and setbacks when we think we are doing so well.
The purpose of God "cutting" us down is so that we can refocus our energies to what will bear more fruit for the Kingdom of God.

So thank you Mr. Gardner for cutting me down, and loving me enough to hurt me.

We all need love-inspired correction.

Don't forget to be awesome!

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