Friday, January 24, 2014

Our Future and Awkwardly Facetiming

I've often wondered what our future will be like. Being the first generation to grow up fully submerged in technology we will be able to watch our fellow high school grow up, get married, land jobs and have kids. Our posts, tweets, pictures, and videos will live on in the past as a sort of dialog about our life. ...sort of like this blog! :D

I first started thinking about this when Amy (my freshman BYU roommate) and I started a vlog on YouTube. The thought occurred to me that my future kids could go back and watch me in moments when I was at college. HOW STRANGE!
The most I was ever able to get was the letters my mom wrote while she was at college, which were actually quite hilarious. It would be SO cool to see my mom talking to the camera when she was just a fresh college kid, instead of always being my mom.
I could see past boyfriends/girlfriends, family vacations, hit videos and songs that were happening in that era. Anyway, it was just a weird thought for me.

Onto story time! So Amy and I were sitting together trying to watch Pushing Daisies and while we trying to figure it out I got a phone call from our other roommate, Katy, who was a bit lost finding our mail. Anyway, we tried FaceTiming so we could see where she was at and direct her where to go.
*ring-a-ling* *ring-a-ling-a-ling* someone answers annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd IT'S NOT KATY. This older woman popped up on the screen and was like "hello!" 
...................................... oh brother.
We just kinda looked awkwardly at the screen and I sort of muffle/whisper to Amy, "where's Katy?"
I guess the lady realized we didn't mean to call because she said "I think you have the wrong number."
*awkward looks between the three of us* Amy says, "Uh, oops, Kaybye." As soon as she hung up I about peed myself laughing so hard. I was down on the ground unable to handle what just happened. C'est la vie.
Although I'm not sure why you would pick up a facetime from an unknown caller but that just happened.

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