Tuesday, December 16, 2008

NO SCHOOL! (more info. on fire & ice)

I'm happy that there is no school BUT what about semester tests and band concerts...i really don't want to make them up! Since I'm home all day I'm going to give the complete info on my book characters...

(F)Winter Noel Frost (Born on Dec. 15) 14 years of age :to freeze people and things, to become solid ice, to conjure icicles out of mid-air, become invisible, to have any and everything to do with water, Ice and snow. HAS A BROTHER NAMED TORNAX (older age 17)

(F)Summer Misty Knight (Born on July 7) 14 years of age: To make fire out of mid-air, melt someone or something, to turn self into fire, to warm others, dry things, to have anything and everything to do with heat, fire, and light. HAS A COUSIN NAMED AMAR (older age 17)

(F)Spring April Raining (Born on April 18) 13 years of age: To heal and grow plants, animals, and people, to shrink and grow, become a plant, can summon animals, to have everything to do with growth, plants, and water. NO SIBLINGS!

(M)Fall Autumn Brown (Born on Sept. 10) 14 years of age: to put plants, animals and people to sleep, become stone, Able to fly, he can get into peoples dreams, and predict the future. ONE VERY ANNOYING SISTER! (can't remember her name)

Next week I'll put the 1st Chapter on my blog~!

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